We handed this to the BMA's Representatives
as they went to their meeting
"In 21 of 114 Dutch cases where the
original intent was to provide assisted suicide, doctors stepped
in to give a lethal injection when things went badly." Problems
with the medication have repeatedly been reported in the press
but never appear in the official DHS Reports. What else aren't
we allowed to see? [The OREGONIAN, Thursday, March 10, 2005]
Shipman would have had a Field Day.
"The Oregon Department of Human Services
(DHS) has no regulatory authority or resources to ensure compliance
with reporting requirements."[American Medical News, 9/7/98]
"The law contains no penalties for
doctors who do not report prescribing lethal doses for the purpose
of suicide." It is the same in The Netherlands,there it
is estimated that nine hundred people are killed every year by
doctors without having asked to die. [International Task Force
on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Six Years Of Assisted Suicide
In Oregon].
Making the Unacceptable Acceptable.
Recording reasons why people wanted to
and did die means that those reasons automatically become acceptable
for anyone else wanting to die and their doctors. [See our website]
Since 1997 45 of the 208 people who died
early used inadequate pain control as one reason for wanting
to die. Yet in the footnote of the annual report it says that
patients discussing these concerns were not necessarily experiencing
pain. So fear of pain is already enough [http://www.oregonlive.com/pdfs/special/oregonian/asst_suicide_stats.pdf]
We have travelled from the Home Counties
this morning and are unable to stay for the vote.
If you would like to discuss any of the issues, email me on gill@willtolive.co.uk
See the expanded version of the above.
Don't go down
the Oregon Trail
it's full of lies, cheats
and falsifications.
This is America's experiment in Euthanasia.
To ensure its success
the reporting is unchecked
and rigged.